Friday, August 2, 2019

Christmas is just a chug chug chuggin along...

ordered Cub Coats for Coralie and Violet. now just have Z's left...still not 100% sure on hers...maybe Pim the Puppy? or maybe Minnie Mouse?
Doug & Melissa wooden food sets for Coralie and Ian per Koren's want to get one for Zerelda and Violet, as well. then found a 5 Little Monkey's Jumping On The Bed from Zulily for Zerelda....ordered. (and The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly for Coralie...which I will order! out of stock now.)...already have the patient doll for Ian, so somthing stuffy for Violet...then should be done???
I want Greyson The Alien Baby. don't know what to get Kevin yet.....

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