Wednesday, August 28, 2019

just realized what Kevin is getting for Xmas....

one of those aging casks he always looks at when we go to the has all kinds of 'em....they can even be personalized!

Friday, August 16, 2019

x-mas shopping update....

ordered Cora The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed The Fly doll and Zerelda a fox Cub Coat....
still on the list...Doug & Melissa food sets for Zerelda and Violet, an activity plush toy for Violet, something for Kevin and Brayden and Katie, cash for Koren, Cody, Taylore, KJ.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Christmas is just a chug chug chuggin along...

ordered Cub Coats for Coralie and Violet. now just have Z's left...still not 100% sure on hers...maybe Pim the Puppy? or maybe Minnie Mouse?
Doug & Melissa wooden food sets for Coralie and Ian per Koren's want to get one for Zerelda and Violet, as well. then found a 5 Little Monkey's Jumping On The Bed from Zulily for Zerelda....ordered. (and The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly for Coralie...which I will order! out of stock now.)...already have the patient doll for Ian, so somthing stuffy for Violet...then should be done???
I want Greyson The Alien Baby. don't know what to get Kevin yet.....