Friday, September 2, 2016

will get a new Chiefs family picture this fall! ('cause now there are NINE of us!)

items for xmas letter:
new grandbaby Coralie Jessamine Wills born March 4!
K.J. married Taylore Maria Andrus March 25!
Deb did a Nick Groff Meet & Greet at Missouri State Penitentiary and ghost hunts at Belvoir Winery and Bloomfield School and a Victorian Death Event with her friend Tracy.
Kevin, Deb, Koren, Ian, & Coralie did our first Arrowhead 5k.
Katie won a trip on the Grundy Electric Youth Tour to Washington D.C.!
Kevin 2 promotions at work
deb got transferred to a different barn
KJ is a paraprofessional in Ridgeway school system, and still has his 'day' job at Walmart.
KJ & Taylore are expecting a baby!

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