Sunday, December 16, 2007

a white christmas

yeah, snow is pretty, whatever. I have to drive to work thru it & put on boots just to go feed the dogs, & keep track of mountains of gloves & scarfs & coats & boots...mop up puddles of melted snow...
I like the Corona commercial with the little shack & the palm tree with xmas lights.
watched last seasons American Dad xmas episode on dvd tonite, they were playing the new one on tv, but had 2 things recording on LR dvr & kj switched to a football commentary show in his room, so I missed the new one.
I also love the new Mac/PC commercial, where they look like Claymation & have Santa in between them, cracks me up.
I am glad my shopping is done, the weather here lately has sucked when you have to drive 30+ miles to shop...(thank goodness for my computer!)
kids school xmas program was rescheduled to tuesday nite, which is cool, because that's kevin's nite off & now he gets to go, too!

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