Saturday, September 7, 2019

seeing as how our anniversary is one of my favorite holidays.....

was inspired this morning to look for a Blackberry Smoke hoodie for Kevin....and found a full zip...his fave. AND made in the fave. has 2 day express ship so should be here on time....although you'd think we live in BFE with the way our packages arrive.....
(can't wait to see him model it!!!)

Friday, September 6, 2019

ordered a smart assy coffee mug to put Cody's xmas money in....

so now on the look out for other smart assy vessels to put KJ, Taylore, & Koren's money in....the hunt is on!
about 2.5 minutes on and this mission is c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.d.