Tracy YouDo Voodoo doll
me Grayson Alien baby doll (amazon!)
Melissa & Doug amazon toy food/pots and pans Wills kids
something else for Z
CUB COATS: Poppy for Cora, probably Minnie Mouse for Violet, one for Z.
Tracy YouDo Voodoo doll
me Grayson Alien baby doll (amazon!)
Melissa & Doug amazon toy food/pots and pans Wills kids
something else for Z
CUB COATS: Poppy for Cora, probably Minnie Mouse for Violet, one for Z.
but this is so much easier! thanks, amazon! probably need to find a little piggie for her to hold...
will make a comic strip to go with it....Super to do two early morning weans back to a carpool....rescue stranded motorists.....put in work orders.... (with appropriate BAM! and POW! bubbles, of course....)
maybe I can make a teeny tiny pig like this one I found on Etsy with not such a teeny tiny price.....
and more bubbles!